Sunday, March 4, 2007

Potager Rosemary Lemongrass Soap

This soap caught my eye for awhile before I actually tried it. First of all, the packaging is unique, and secondly (and what really drew me to it), it smells delicious. Literally. The combination of lemon and rosemary reminds me of a marinade my parents used to cook with and as a total foodie, that is fine by me.

Out of the wrapper, the bar is a creamy light yellow. It lathers really well-- something that a lot of soaps fail at. And yes, the scent is delightful and makes one feel really clean thanks to the lemongrass oil. My skin was slightly dry after showering, but it was nothing that a little body lotion couldn't take care of. Sadly, the scent did not last on my skin, but that's always the least of my concerns (although it's always a nice touch!).

I'm not sure how widely this soap is distributed, so finding it in a store near you could be a challenge. The package says it's crafted in New England, so if you live in that part of the country, just check your local pharmacy. If not, click on the link to the Potager website off to the right.

Recommended! :)

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