Friday, March 30, 2007

Hugo Geranium & Indonesian Patchouli Soap

I stumbled across Hugo Natural's soaps while browsing in Whole Foods yesterday and decided to try one out. Picking just one was difficult, with many alluring scents to choose from, but eventually the Geranium & Indonesian Patchouli bar won me over.

My first impression upon sniffing this soap was Wow, smells like a hippy! The patchouli is notable, but nicely balanced with the geranium oil to keep it from being overpowering. The bar itself is a shade of maroon encasing what I gather are "whole flower petals and herbs," as listed in the ingredients.

In the shower, the soap produced a good amount of lather and-- yay!-- a strong enough scent. Although I still needed to use lotion on my hands afterwards, the rest of my skin feels nice and smooth, thanks to the plethora of oils and shea butter that make up this product.

Hugo Naturals make a bunch of products other than bar soaps, so check out the selection on their website. Or, if you're lucky enough to have a store near you that carries Hugo items, definitely try them ASAP.

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